Sunday, May 1, 2011

The ladybugs bedroom

Well, I thought I better post some pics up of the ladybugs bedroom after my 'Mogwai' post.

As you can see below, the chaos I had created in the rumpus room paid off, and the blue toy room turned into a pretty pink room fit for a princess

The chaos I had created attempting to declutter the toy room to turn it into our lil ladybugs bedroom!

Daddy painting away

Very happy with the final result

What an Egglsecent Easter 2011

I dont know about yours, but our house now resembles a chocolate shop!

As a friend stated, "Easter is a calorific" time of year.....I tend to agree, right at this moment I can hear the 5000 easter eggs sitting in the bar screaming for me to "EAT ME EAT ME EAT ME"!

I am worried that this may be the last year that my 7 year old believes in the Easter bunny, so I made most of it this year with all the Easter fun. Bunny foot prints left all over the house (thanks to some powder and 3 finger tips), chewed up carrot spat out all over the house!

The older 3 had a great time on the good ol egg hunt (the 4th really had no idea what was going on, and at times didnt appear to be having much fun at all....until she discovered the taste for it)

                    To make it a challenge this year the bunny had to find some tricky spots!

Happy Easter from us XO

Building a chocolate house for Easter

We decided rather than the boys giving their teachers a traditional egg for Easter, we would build them a chocolate house each. 1kg of chocolate later (plus some Cadbury mint bubby and mini M & M's into the melted choc batch), on top of plenty more lollies to decorate!!

I must say, it was pretty simple to do, and the kids loved helping and they were very proud to give it to their teachers knowing that they decorated it all by themselves!

All the decorating pieces (chickens, fabric eggs were purchased from a discount store, and the kids handpainted a mould of a bunny for a keepsake)

Piecing it together (I stuck it together with royal icing, but you can do it with more melted chocolate, which looks neater)

                                                The boys having a ball decorating away
                                                   Cant half tell he is a lil bit proud!!!
                                                   All wrapped up ready to give away
   This was the 3rd one we made (for us) and I put this one together with melted chocolate, it did set alot     faster, and looked neater!
                                                 Hammering away ready for the big feast